65 Hilarious Yosemite Sam Quotes

Yosemite Sam is a cartoon character in the Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes series produced by Warner Bros. The name Yosemite is derived from Yosemite National Park. Sam is an adversary of Bugs Bunny, and he is commonly depicted as an outlaw and a very aggressive gunslinging outlaw and a cowboy with a hair-trigger temper.

He also has an intense hatred for rabbits, and Bugs in particular. Ranging from amusing to funny, there are numerous Yosemite Sam Quotes that have been engraved into the mind of the viewers over the years. Below are some of the best Yosemite Sam Quotes

Yosemite Sam Quotes

1. “I’m the meanest, roughest, toughest hombre that’s ever crossed the Rio Grande, and I ain’t no namby-bamby!”– Yosemite Sam

2. “I paid my four bits to see the high diving act, and I’m-a gonna see the high diving act!”– Yosemite Sam

3. “That’s right, Yosemite Sam. The roughest, toughest, hombre that ever locked horns with a rabbit.”– Yosemite Sam

4. “I should have been aware before trusting a rabbit because this is the result of trusting a rabbit.”– Yosemite Sam

5. “Oooo! Belay there you long-eared galoot, get aloft and furl the tatter-sole top gallants before I keel-hauls ya!”– Yosemite Sam

6. “Great horny toads, I’m up North! Gotta burn my boots, they touched Yankee soil.”– Yosemite Sam

7. “When I get that money, I’ll buy the old ladies home and kick them out. I’ll tear down the orphanage and fire the police department.”– Yosemite Sam

8. “Ah, Chilikoot Sam. The roughest, toughest, rootinest, shootinest claim-jumper that ever umped a claim.”– Yosemite Sam

9. “Consider yourself as lucky because you are getting another chance from me to draw a gun.”– Yosemite Sam

10. “No good bush whackin’ barracudaEhhh, what’s up doc? -“Hare Trigger.”– Yosemite Sam

11. “I’m a-sailin’ with the tide … or my name ain’t Shanghai Sam … and it is.”–  Yosemite Sam

12. “Anyone a you lily-livered, bow-legged varmints care to slap leather with me, in case any of you git ideas you better know who you’re dealin’ with. I’m Yosemite Sam. The roughest, toughest, he-man stuffest hombre as ever crossed the Rio Grande…and I aint no namby-pamby.”– Yosemite Sam

13. “The time for you to dive has come, you mischievous, troublesome animal.”– Yosemite Sam

14. “If you are looking for a Hessian with no aggression at all then you are in search of me.”– Yosemite Sam

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15. “You mark my words, you will have to pay for your deed, you cantankerous furry animal!”– Yosemite Sam

16. “Ya doggone idgit galoot … you’ll blow the ship to smithereenies!”– Yosemite Sam

17. “Great…toads, I’m up North! …Gotta burn my boots, they touched Yankee soil.”– Yosemite Sam

18. “Ya wanna know what I think of Alex? Well I think he’s pathetic! I mean, that’s y’all’s protagonist?! There’s no art to that character! What obstacle did he overcome?! What was his emotional journey? In fact, only thing that’s more pathetic than Alex is this book club! Now get out! Get! Get! Don’t forget your books! Yosemite Sam is back! Yee-haw!”– Yosemite Sam

19. “Let me outta here, let me outta here! Ooooooh! Get me a mouthpiece! I want a “habus corpeus!”– Yosemite Sam

20. “Tossed coconut salad. Fresh coconut milk. I hate coconuts! I can’t stand coconuts!”– Yosemite  Sam

21. “Oooo, I’d like to lay my hands on the lily-livered swab is writ that forgery.”– Yosemite Sam

22. “All right all right don’t rush me, I’m-a-thinkin’ … and my head hurts.”– Yosemite Sam

23. “Great horny toadies! I musta dug clean through to Chiney!”– Yosemite Sam

24. “I’m the hootinst, tootinist, shootinist bobtail wildcat in the west!”– Yosemite Sam

25. “The varmint got me … I’m-a-headin’… for the last round up.”– Yosemite Sam

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26. “Listen, stranger. This town ain’t big enough fer the two of us.”– Yosemite Sam

27. “Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest. Yohoho, and a bottle of rum. Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest. Yohoho, and a bottle of ma’s old-fashioned cider, ma’s old-fashioned cider.”– Yosemite Sam

28. “Ooh! I’ll shiver his timbers and I’ll baton his hatch and keel-haul his kuppers!”– Yosemite Sam

29. “Pickins is mighty slim round here. Hardly no reward for a day’s work.”– Yosemite Sam

30. “You stupid idjit bidrago dragon. I warned y’about lettin’ yer fire git low. Nooooow you’ve caught cold.”– Yosemite Sam

31. “Open up that door! Ya notice I didn’t say Richard? Come on, open up or I’ll bust her down!”– Yosemite Sam

32. “You now have to stop obstructing and begin the process of roasting.”– Yosemite Sam

33. “Let me tell you rabbit that I am using force because you have forced me to use it.”– Yosemite Sam

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34. “uuughhhh! Now no one can stop me from severely punishing you for your act.”– Yosemite Sam

35. “The time for you to dive has come, you mischievous, troublesome animal.”– Yosemite Sam

36. “The time has come for you to say your prayers, you troublesome animal.”– Yosemite Sam

37. “Ok ya fur-bearin’ carpet-bagger … I’m-a-givin’ ya one second to come out or I’ll blow ya out! Times up!”– Yosemite Sam

38. “Ya better say your prayers, ya flea-bitten varmint … I’m-a-gonna blow ya to smithereenies!”– Yosemite Sam

39. “Be you the mean hombre’ that’s a-hankerin’ for a heap a trouble stranga! … well be ya?”– Yosemite Sam

40. “Ya crazy idgit bedraggled dragon … I warned ya about lettin’ your fire get low, now ya caught cold.”– Yosemite Sam

41. “The only two things a pirate’ll run for is money and public office.”– Yosemite Sam

42. “You got us stuck on this stupid rock, you good-for-nothin’ feline! You no good rassin-frassin kitty cat! Get back here and take the fur! Come here, boy!”– Yosemite Sam

43. “What’s up? Why you ornery, fur-bearin’ critter, this here’s one of them there train robbery hold ups.”– Yosemite Sam

44. “When I get that money, I’ll buy the old ladies home and kick them out. I’ll tear down the orphanage and fire the police department.”– Yosemite Sam

45. “Blast your ornery hide! If ya does that just once more, I ain’t a-going after it.”– Yosemite Sam

46. “Ten dollars! Why it’s gettin’ so a man can’t earn a dishonest livin’ no more.”– Yosemite Sam

47. “I am the blood thirstiest, shoot-em-firstiest, doggone worstiest buccaneer that’s ever sailed the Spanish Main! Now gimme them jewels! Them’s my treasure, and I’m a-buryin’ them where no one’ll know where they’re at but me.”– Yosemite Sam

48. “I’m Yosemite Sam, the meanest, toughest, rip-roarin-est, Edward Everett Horton-est hombre, whatever packed a six shooter!”– Yosemite Sam

49. “Where am I? It sure is powerful warm in here. Is this Dallas?”– Yosemite Sam

50. “Come with me to the Casbah. We’ll make beautiful music together.”– Yosemite Sam

51. “If God didn’t want us to have guns, he wouldn’t have given us trigger fingers.”– Yosemite Sam

52. “Get a-goin’, or I’ll blow your carcass right out from under yer hat!”– Yosemite Sam

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53 “That dame’s taking everything, but the kitchen sink”– Yosemite Sam

54. “When I say whoa, I mean whoa!”– Yosemite Sam

55. “If brains were dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.”– Yosemite Sam

56. “I’m a-sailin’ with the tide … or my name ain’t Shanghai Sam … and it is.”– Yosemite Sam

57. “The varmint got me … I’m-a-headin’… for the last round up.”– Yosemite Sam

58. “Now all-a-you skunks clear outta here!”– Yosemite Sam

59. “Aha! There ya are ya buck-toothed barnacle … say yer prayers.”– Yosemite Sam

60. “Ah, shuddup! Here! You’re a-swabbin’ the deck!”– Yosemite Sam

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61. “I smells carrots a-cookin’…and where there’s carrots, there’s rabbits.”– Yosemite Sam

62. “That’s what I get for trustin’ a rabbit.”– Yosemite Sam

63. “What’s up doc? I ain’t no doc…I’m a pirate, sea goin’ Sam.”– Yosemite Sam

64. “Cut it out! Now drink yer juice before I blows the fur off’n yer hide!”– Yosemite Sam

65. “All right, all right don’t rush me, I’m a thinking’… and my head hurts.”– Yosemite Sam

Video: Looney Tunes – Best of Yosemite Sam

One of Bugs’ biggest foes, Sam never stops scheming!

Here are some of his best moments that will make you crack up!

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Yosemite Sam is a legendary character in the cartoon series Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. This “Looney Tunes” character with a mustache was formed because the previous character Elmer Fudd was deemed to be quite gentle.

The directors wanted to come up with someone who could face the Bugs Bunny and hence the creation of the character Sam.  Yosemite Sam’s quotes encourage you to think outside the box and broaden your perspective.

Image Credit: “Yosemite Sam” by Thomas Hawk is licensed underCC BY-NC 2.0

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