51 of the Best Step Daughter Quotes

Stepdaughters are defined as your husband or wife’s child from a previous marriage or a previous relationship. There are some men and women out there that don’t ever see their stepchild as their own child, and that’s pretty sad but there are also a lot of men and women accept their stepchild as their own and treat them as such.

In addition to someone not accepting their step daughter as their own, some step daughters don’t accept their stepmothers or step fathers as parental figures. You also have some step daughters that just want nothing more than to be loved and approved by their stepparent.

There’s a lot of different ways a stepdaughter relationship could go, but most of these quotes however are focused on positive relationships with a stepdaughter and are pretty heartfelt.

Stepdaughter Quotes

“I’ll always support my step daughter in her dreams in life. She is a bright young woman and so full of life. Her past mother might not have lived enough to make her shine brighter, but I promise I’ll be there supporting her all the way.” – Unknown

“I don’t have a stepdaughter. I have a daughter who happened to be born before I met her.” – Unknown

“For better or worse, step-parenting is self-conscious parenting. You’re d*mned if you do, and d*mned if you don’t.” – Unknown

“I might not be the mother who gave you the gift of life, but I’m glad life gave me you as a gift. You are my stepdaughter and I will truly love you no matter what.” – Unknown

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“This world is a brighter place ever since this precious irl became my own, my stepdaughter. Her innocent smile, it warms my heart and all I want to do is love her.” – Unknown

“She is my bonus daughter and she is worth fighting for.” – Unknown

“I didn’t give you the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you.” – Unknown

“Stepparenting is like working at a late-night convenience store…all of the responsibility and none of the authority.” – Valerie J Lewis Coleman

“You are my step daughter and my little princess. I am your step dad and I will do my best to provide all the things you need, give you all my love, and make sure you’re happy. Because you mean the world to me.” – Unknown

“My stepdaughter doesn’t have my eyes nor does she have my hair color because I am not her biological mother, but she will always be the most beautiful thing to me, as if she was my biological daughter.” – Unknown

“Not one day passes by when I don’t thank God for you, my stepdaughter. You have been my best friend since the day you came into my life.” – Unknown

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“We aren’t ‘step’, we aren’t ‘half’, we’re just family.” – Unknown

“Being a stepmom means they grew inside of my heart instead of my tummy.” – Unknown

“A stepdaughter is a wonderful gift from God, and you need to cherish her provide for her, support her and love her like she was your own, just as how she looks up to you like you’re her real parent.” – Unknown

“Stepdaughter, you are not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” – Unknown

“Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” – Leigh Anne Tuohy

“Being a step parent is a rough job. But going to bed every night knowing that you are loved by kids who aren’t biologically yours is a great feeling.” – Unknown

“God has answered your prayers. Not only did he give you a new partner in life, he also gave you a beautiful stepdaughter whom you could love and cherish.” – Unknown

“I would cross oceans for my stepdaughter because she trusts me and loves me, even though she knows that we are not connected by blood.” – Unknown

“I never really knew what I wanted in life until I met my boyfriend’s daughter. And today, she’s my step daughter. I’ve never been this happy.” – Unknown

“”Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.” – Murasaki Shikibu

“To be sure a stepmother to a girl is a different thing to a second wife to a man!” – Elizabeth Gaskell

“You make me feel as if you’ve been my daughter my entire life. I am glad you treat me like I’m your real mother. I’m grateful for all the laughs and good times we shared. I love you and this family so much.” – Unknown

“You are my stepdaughter and I will truly love you unconditionally, no matter what.” – Unknown

“You define beauty and grace! No, not only on the outside, but on both inside and outside. Your inner and outer beauty is enchanting, my stepdaughter.” – Unknown

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“Parenthood requires love, not DNA.” – Unknown

“When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your step-child instead. You’ll never fail with best interest at heart.” – Jessica James

“You are not my step daughter. You ARE my daughter who was born before I even met you. And I promise to love you forever and give you support in life.” – Unknown

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“A stepdaughter is a wonderful gift, and you need to cherish her, provide for her, support her. And love her like she was your own.” – Unknown

“My step daughter is still young and fragile, but I know she’s strong inside. And I’ll be her step mom who’s going to support her all the time and give her all the love she needs.” – Unknown

“A step parent is a truly amazing person. They made a choice to love another’s child as their own.” – Unknown

“Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood it’s defined by commitment and by love.” – Dave Willis

“She’s not just my step daughter, she’s my best friend too. It’s hard trying to get used to a new family but I’m glad my step daughter is making it so easy for me because she already treats me like her own parent. I love her so much.” – Unknown

“I always tell my stepdaughter that she is beautiful, but I also make sure she knows that she is strong, smart and capable too.” – Unknown

“My step daughter had a hard time adjusting to having me in the house and having as her new parent, but I’m happy she’s slowly accepting and loving me as part of her family.” – Unknown

“A stepparent doesn’t just marry a spouse: they marry their spouse’s entire situation. They have to find a balance between supporting and defending without overstepping visible and invisible boundaries.” – Unknown

“Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” – Barack Obama

“To my ever loving step daughter, I pray that may you be successful in life always. You’ve always be good to everyone and especially to me. Me and the rest of the family love you very much and we’ll remind you that every single day.” – Unknown

“A stepdaughter is the daughter that nature didn’t give you, but a daughter that life has blessed you with.” – Unknown

“Dear stepdaughter, I still remember the day that you entered my life and forever captured my heart with your radiant smile. You enchanted me with sweetness and tenderness.” – Unknown

“I love my husband’s daughter, and I know it takes time for her to see that. Trust is to be earned, and I’m happy that my step daughter has learned to trust me. She is such an angel.” – Unknown

“Though my step daughter and I may not state the same blood, we will always share the same love.” – Unknown

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“Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a step dad.” – Unknown

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“The world’s a brighter place ever since this precious girl became my own, my step daughter. Her innocent smile just warms my heart and all I want to do is love her. She really means so much to me.” – Unknown

“Being your stepdad is enough to make me love you with my entire heart.” – Unknown

“When I love someone, I love with all my heart. And that’s how much I love my step daughter. She’s just so sweet and innocent that I’d do anything for her and for my new family that I happily belong to.” – Unknown

“You may not have my eyes or my smile, but from that very first moment you had my heart.” – Unknown

“Step parents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather to augment a child’s life experience.” – Azriel Johnson

“My heart just skips a beat when my step daughter calls me dad and she comes running to me so I could pick her up and hold her in my arms. We may not be connected by blood, but I’m pretty sure we’re connected in the most special way.” – Unknown

“I am stunned at how you face situations in life. You inspire me by your strength and wisdom, dear stepdaughter.” – Unknown

“Love is not what’s in the veins, but it’s in the heart. My daughter and I may not be related by blood, but I love her with all my heart. And life’s been better ever since I had her. I love my step daughter so much.” – Unknown



Different people have different relationships, your relationship with your stepdaughter is highly dependent on you and how you approach situations. Hopefully some of these quotes can inspire you to have a better relationship with your stepdaughter, maintain your good relationship with your stepdaughter, or build a relationship with your stepdaughter.

Post some of these quotes on social media to tell the world that you are proud of your stepdaughter, or simply share them with her to remind her how you feel about her and your relationship with her.


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