42 Inspiring Ronnie Coleman Quotes about Determination and Dedication

Ronnie Coleman is a Louisiana native, born on May 13, 1964. He is a retired IFBB Professional who held the title of Mr. Olympia for eight years from 1998 to 2005. He has 26 IFBB wins under his belt and an enviable bodybuilding record that only a few have surpassed. Ronnie is one of the two greatest bodybuilders of all time, alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He worked at Domino’s Pizza as a young man and changed his career to become a police officer and serve the force from 1989 to 2000. He remained a reserve officer for 2003 while gaining fame as an unbeatable bodybuilder. A worthy characteristic to learn is his determination to train year-round without losing focus on his goal. Here are some Ronnie Coleman quotes for inspiration:

Ronnie Coleman Quotes

1. “I take about 12 weeks to get ready for a show. But I train all year round.” – Ronnie Coleman

2. “Progress takes time and discipline.” – Ronnie Coleman

3. “My supplements are similar to my training – I always commit to being a better version of myself.” – Ronnie Coleman

4. “I’ve attained my mass basically by training hard and very, very heavy.” – Ronnie Coleman

5. “I eat healthy year-round.” – Ronnie Coleman

6. “No dessert. I don’t do dessert.” – Ronnie Coleman

7. “I eat chicken and rice, steak, and baked potato. That’s it.” – Ronnie Coleman

8. “You have to train the best way that is suited to you, a way that will allow you to progress.” – Ronnie Coleman

9. “Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps, doesn’t mean you should back off your triceps workouts.” – Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman about Gym

10. “The gym is one of the few places where I can just be myself without any hindrances and inhibitions.” – Ronnie Coleman

11. “I have fans from every level of the fitness world, whether it’s the elite competitor or just someone living a healthy lifestyle, and it’s been my goal since day one to make sure that my brand has something to offer everyone.” – Ronnie Coleman

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12. “I’ve had back problems basically my whole career.” – Ronnie Coleman

13. “Bodybuilding is about building your body. Whether you do it to maintain your fitness levels, climb Everest, run the marathon, or be a competitive bodybuilder is up to you.” – Ronnie Coleman

14. “The next thing I would have to go with is diet because it is so hard and mentally tough. By comparison the training is the easiest of them all because it’s my hobby as well as my job.” – Ronnie Coleman

15. “Even at the age of 12, I knew I had to become a bodybuilder. I don’t know why or how, but I just knew.” – Ronnie Coleman

16. “Most people know who I am. Then I get the people who don’t know who I am and just want to take a picture with a guy with muscles. I get more people that know me than anything.” – Ronnie Coleman

17. “When I graduated from college, I tried my hardest to get a job at an accounting firm, and it just wasn’t meant to be. I ended up delivering pizzas and newspapers. I knew my life was cracked up to be a little more.” – Ronnie Coleman

18. “What I’ve always tried to do is pick short term goals.” – Ronnie Coleman

19. “It’s just really cool to see high profile trainers, athletes, and celebs using my products and loving them.” – Ronnie Coleman

20. “Never underestimate the power of wide-grip pull-ups to develop width and size.” – Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman quote about dieting

21. “There are times I have to diet 16 weeks at a go, and I had to miss out on stuff I love, like burgers and birthday parties.” – Ronnie Coleman

22. “Your body produces a lot less testosterone each and every single year no matter who you are. We are all human, nobody is super human.” – Ronnie Coleman

23. “I hate dieting.” – Ronnie Coleman

24. “I’ve never really considered myself as being the best bodybuilder. I always try to let the people decide that. I just try to do the best I can do at whatever it is that I’m doing.” – Ronnie Coleman

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25. “I was always trying to stay one to two steps ahead of the game.” – Ronnie Coleman

26. “I probably get in, like, five meals a day; every now and then, I get six.” – Ronnie Coleman

27. “My biggest competition is always myself. I mean no disrespect, but I do not look at any of the guys as being my competition for the simple reason that I can’t control how they’re going to look. I can only control how I look.” – Ronnie Coleman

28. “I am not a trainer; hence I cannot advise youngsters on the use of supplements or the way to build their bodies. But I can tell them one thing that I did – find a good, honest trainer.” – Ronnie Coleman

29. “You get used to a certain thing, and you don’t want to change. Because that’s what’s worked for you.” – Ronnie Coleman

30. “I’ve been training so long, its second nature to push myself to the limit.” – Ronnie Coleman

31. “I train heavy and hard every workout. That’s the only way I knew. I know it was the key to my success.” – Ronnie Coleman

32. “Nutrition is 150 per cent of the bodybuilding formula. It’s that important.” – Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman quote about working out

33. “I work out every body part twice a week, and that is what helps me stay in shape.” – Ronnie Coleman

34. “I’ve always been a big guy – I was much larger and stronger than my peers when I was 13 years old.” – Ronnie Coleman

35. “Competitive bodybuilding is a niche sport, but bodybuilding is for everybody.” – Ronnie Coleman

36. “Hard work and training. There’s no secret formula.” – Ronnie Coleman

37. “Perfecting your form and technique at early stages will go a long way. Don’t compromise on the big lifts – deadlifts, squats, and bench-presses.” – Ronnie Coleman

38. “I train heavy and hard every workout. That’s the only way I knew. I know it was the key to my success.” – Ronnie Coleman

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39. “When you hit failure, your workout has just begun.” – Ronnie Coleman

40. “I’m a body builder, so we do a lot of stuff on repetition.” – Ronnie Coleman

41. “I’ll be a diehard bodybuilder until my last breath, but I want my brand and the movement we are creating to touch all aspects of the fitness community.” – Ronnie Coleman

42. “Women really do pay attention to a man’s glutes. A tight, compact ass is often voted even more desirable than muscular arms and chest. So, if you’re lacking, start squatting!” – Ronnie Coleman

Unbeatable Monster – Ronnie Coleman Motivation

This video is about one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. Ronnie Coleman is a true inspiration! He totally changed the sport of bodybuilding and shocked all with his size and mass.



Ronnie Coleman rose through the ranks through sheer determination, hard work, and will power. His passion for weightlifting is apparent through his hours of working out and following a strict diet plan. His discipline is a lesson for every bodybuilder who wishes to become a legend in the bodybuilding industry!

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